Great works are connected
Recently, I read a book called UNIX legend: A history and a memoir, where an article named "You and your research" was highly recommened. So I just googled it and spent about two hours reading it. Now, my feeling just like my title said.
There is no doubt that this article is excellent. Author Kernighan, shared his thoughts about how to make great research. As for me, I'm just a student now so I didn't get inspiration about research from it, but still gained something while reading it.
Luck doesn't cover everything.
One of the most important thing is courage when you set your mind to do something great. How much vigor you put depends your ceiling and how brave you are depends your floor. Ask yourself, "Whar are the important problems in your filed?". Then work on important things, keep emotionally invovled. Just as MIT said in their addmission criteria——"passion for difficulty".
Keep modesty.
Meeting a problem, think it carefully by yourself first, even woolgather. Then do everything you can to sovle it.
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